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Hi! My name is Meghan and this is my senior thesis project for the BFA Graphic Design program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
It's ultimately meant to be a conversation starter surrounding the concepts of alt text and image description.
I am particularly interested in / passionate about digital accessibility and as I've gained some experience with digital design, I've noticed how image description is not always the easiest thing to do - especially when you're first starting out. It's a skill that requires learning and practice.
I ultimately want this website to be a place where people can learn and practice.
I've included a couple of things in this website. I've first included a summary of information that I've encountered about alt text / image descriptions, doing my best to both define them and give examples of what those can look like. This is the Introduction to alt text section.
After that, I've included a place where you can practice here on this website with pictures I found in magazines / online. This is the Practice page.
I've also included an outline of a workshop that you can do on your own time (either by yourself or with others), if you want to get some more hands on practice with alt text and image descriptions. This is the Workshop page.
Lastly, I've shared my sources. This is the Resource Library page.
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